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What to know as an international driver in QLD, Australia?

As an international driver in Queensland, Australia, there are several important rules and regulations that you need to be aware of. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

1. Driving License: As an international driver, you can drive in Queensland with a valid overseas driver's license for the same class of vehicle. Make sure to carry your license with you at all times while driving.

2. Road Rules: Familiarize yourself with the road rules and regulations in Queensland, such as speed limits, seat belt laws, and traffic signs. Keep to the left side of the road when driving.

3. Insurance: It is recommended to have car insurance while driving in Queensland to cover any potential accidents or damages. Check if your existing insurance policy covers driving in Australia.

4. Alcohol Limits: The legal blood alcohol limit for drivers in Queensland is 0.05%. It is illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

5. Mobile Phones: It is illegal to use a mobile phone while driving in Queensland, unless it is hands-free. Avoid distractions while driving.

6. Speed Limits: Speed limits vary in Queensland, so pay attention to the signs on the road. Be mindful of school zones and reduced speed limits in certain areas.

7. Seat Belts: All occupants in a vehicle must wear seat belts at all times. Children must be properly restrained in approved child seats or booster seats.

8. Roundabouts: Understand how to navigate roundabouts, as they are common in Queensland. Give way to vehicles already in the roundabout and indicate your exit.

9. Emergency Services: In case of an emergency or breakdown, call 000 for assistance. Pull over to a safe location and use hazard lights to signal other drivers.

10. Road Conditions: Be aware of changing road conditions, especially in rural areas or during extreme weather. Follow road signs and warnings.

It's important to stay informed and follow the rules to ensure a safe and enjoyable driving experience in Queensland, Australia. If you have any specific questions or need more detailed information, feel free to ask.

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